The role of text in a memory is to provide reminiscence context and enough information about the memory. Here are a few prompts on what to write:
- When?
- Where?
- Who and who with?
- What led to the memory?
- What were the consequences?
- How did it happen?
- What emotions did it provoke?
There are two approaches to entering text. The user can simply click in the text box and start typing. When done, just click on Save text item button. This allows for simple descriptions of the memory in just a few words or sentences.
The other option is to use the choice of format options allowing users to make their text appear in a format defined by them. This allows for more elegant longer texts, providing more detail about the memory and thus creating a pretty story to be read during reminiscence sessions.

The text editor uses standard text formatting buttons:
The selected text will appear in Bold.
The selected text will appear in Italic.
Bold and Italic can be combined to form a text in both formats together.
The selected paragraphs can appear as a bullet point list.
The selected paragraphs can appear as a numbered list.
The Undo button can reverse your last formatting or typing. It “undoes” the last input.
The selected text will be cleared of any previously applied formatting.
Select your sentence, or part of text, then on click on on one of the three alignment buttons to align it in the centre, to the left or to the right.
To add a hyperlink to the text, first highlight the word(s) leading to it and then click the hyperlink symbol to add the destination URL (the address of the website). See detailed description below.
How to add and format text